Question 1 (8 Marks, 2016 Exam)

The distances between seven towns are given in the table below.

\[\begin{array}{ccccccc} A & & & & & & \\ 70 & B & & & & & \\ 62 & 57& C & & & & \\ 66 & 47& 58& D & & & \\ 78 & 66& 59&95 & E & & \\ 80 &83 & 61&99 &79 & F & \\ 75 &64 &71 &65 &40 &42 &G \end{array}\]

Use the nearest neighbour algirthm, starting at \(A\), to find an upper bound on the travelling salesman problem for these towns. By omitting \(A\), give a good lower bound for the travelling salesman problem.

Question 2 (2014 Exam)

I didn’t set this question; 9 marks for (a) seems perhaps slightly high to me Screentshot of a question from the 2014 exam

Question 3 (4 marks)

Find the Prufer code for the following tree:

A tree on 10 vertices