Today we will discuss two related algorithms for finding the shortest path between two points in a weighted graph, Dijkstra’s algorith, which has been taught in this module for years, and the A* algorithm, which is a tweak on Djikstra’s algorithm that hasn’t been in this module before.

Both algorithms are extremely standard and there are a wealth of online examplesand comparison videos and information that should be valuable:

Djikstra: Wikipedia Computerphile video

A*: Wikipedia Computerphile video

Dijkstra’s Algorithm

Dijkstra’s algorithm finds the shortest path between two points in a weighted graph. There are some variations on it, and the version we present will find the shortest path between a fixed vertex and every other vertex of , which basically all versions do without more work. We will denote to be the cost of the shortest path from to .

For Dijkstra’s algorithm to work, we require all the edge weights to be non-negative, but in real world examples this is usually true.

The algorithm

The basic set-up of the algorithm is to keep a running a list of “potential” shortest paths between and some of the vertices. To initialize this list, we just record every vertex adjacent to , and the weight of the edge connecting them.

At each step of the algorithm, we choose the lowest such “potential” shortest path, say, a path to , and declare it to actually be the shortest path. We then update our list of potential shortest paths by looking at all vertices adjacent to . We could get a path from to by first taking a path from to , which costs , and then adding on the edge from to , which costs . Thus, we compare the cost of the “potential” shortest path from to (if there is one), with , and make whichever one is lower the new potential cheapest path from to . We then remove from the list of vertices, and continue on our way.

Proof of correctness

Unlike Kruskal’s algorithm, where we had to do some work to prove that the algorithm always produced the correct answer, with Dijkstra’s algorithm it is fairly obvious that it will always give the correct answer. Consider the step where we final a potential shortest path from to as actually being the shortest. If this wasn’t true, then there would be some shorter path from to . We haven’t found this path yet, which means it would have to travel through some other vertex we haven’t yet optimized the minimal path for. But any path from to . But since the cost of the path from to is minimal among potential paths we can see, the cost of the path from to would be at least as much as the cost to to , and that’s before we add the extra cost from to .


There are many videos online demonstrating Dijkstra’s algoirth, as well as some applets

A* Algorithm

If all you know is that you have a weighted graph, then Dijkstra’s algorithm is essentially the best that can be done. However, in many real life situations more about the structure of the graph is known.

For example, suppose I wanted to drive the shortest path from Sheffield to Edinburgh. I know that I want to drive mostly North – I won’t be able to drive in a straight line to Edinburgh, and it may be that the fastest trip drives South slightly to get onto a highway – but in general, I want to be headed North, and I can safely throw out any path that takes me through Nottingham. However, since Nottingham is closer to Sheffield than Edinburgh is, Dijkstra’s algorithm would waste a lot of time exploring the roads around Nottingham.

Similarly video games usually take place on very regular grid-like graphs, where it’s very clear what the shortest path would be. However, there may be obstacles in the way that the shortest path must avoid, which means we can’t blindly return one of the regular shortest paths.

We need a way to encode this extra information we know about the graph. In the A* algorithm this is done through a heuristic function.


A heuristic function takes in two vertices , and returns a guess at the distance from to . We say that a heuristic is admissible if the guess is always strictly less than the shortest path from to in the graph.

The A* algorithm will make use of a heuristic algorithm to priotize the search direction. If the heuristic is admissible, the algorithm will be guaranteed to return a shortest path. This will no longer be true if the heuristic is not admissible.

The “better” the heuristic, the faster the algorithm will run – if the heuristic function returns the actual distance of the shortest path from to , then the algorithm will immediately find the optimal path. Sometimes it is convenient to use a non-admissible, but “close to” admissible heuristic in situations where speed is important – for instance, in a video game where hundreds of characters are moving simultaneously.

The A* algorithm

The goal is to find the shortest path from to (for start and finish) in a weighted graph, using some heuristic function . The algorithm is quite similar to Dijkstra’s: at all times we will have a list of “known” shortest paths from to other vertices , and of candidate shortest paths from to vertices , and will continually update our lists by moving the “best” candidate path to a known path.

What changes is what “best” means – rather than add the vertex with the cheapest distance from , that is, the lowest , we add the vertex with the lowest value of: . The first part is the actual cost of a path from to , the second part is the heuristic cost of a path from to . Thus, the function records our best guess at the cost of a path from to through .