We ended this morning’s lecture by introducing the concept of the face of a graph, and of the dual graph. In this lecture we prove Euler’s theorem, which gives a relation between the number of edges, vertices and faces of a graph.

We begin by counting the number of vertices, edges, and faces of some graphs on surfaces – the tetrahedron (or triangular pyramid) has 4 vertices, 6 edges, and 4 faces; the cube has 6 vertices, 12 edges, and 8 faces, etc.

Euler’s Theorem

Let \(\Gamma\) be a graph drawn on the sphere, and suppose that has vertices, edges, and faces. Then .

Proof idea 1:

One way to prove it is the following: if we delete an edge from , we will (usually) merge two faces into one, and thus have one less edge and one less face; this does not change .

Similarly, if we have a vertex of degree 2, we can delete it and merge the two edges into one, getting one less edge and one less vertex, which does not change .

By iteratively doing this two moves, you can get to a very basic graph or two, which you can check have

Proof 2: Dual spanning trees

First, take a spanning tree of ; it has vertices, and since it is a tree it must have edges.

Now, we construct another graph as follows. The vertices of will be the faces of our original graph . We will connect two vertices of if and only if they are connected by an edge not in our spanning tree . Thus, we see that is a subgraph of the dual graph of , that contains all the vertices and every edge that isn’t in .

We first note that Euler’s formula follows if we can show that is a tree as well, as then would have vertices and hence edges. But since every edge of is either in or we have

To prove that is indeed a tree, we need to show is connected and has no cycles. If were disconnected, then we claim would have a cycle. Let be one of the connected components, and consider the union of all the faces in . This is some region of the sphere that isn’t the whole thing; its boundary will be a union of circles. But the boundary is also a union of edges in ; therefore, must contain a cycle, a contradiction.

We also need to show that has no cycles; this is just the “dual” of the above argument: But if had a cycle, it would cut the sphere into two pieces, each of which would contain a vertex of , and hence would be disconnected, a contradiction.

Applications of Euler characteristic

Euler’s theorem can be very useful in proving results about graphs on the sphere. It’s a bit awkward to use by itself – it contains three variables, and , so it is most useful when we already know some relations between these variables. This may be best illustrated by our motivating example:


It is impossible to draw a sphere with a videogame graph.


Recall that in a videogame graph, every vertex had degree 4, and each face was a square.

Suppose that we had such a graph drawn on the sphere; Euler’s theorem gives us ; we need to use our other knowledge about the graph to get a contradiction.

How can we use that every vertex has degree 4? The handshaking lemma! Since every vertex has degree 4, the sum of the degrees of the vertices is just . So the Handshaking Lemma just says , and hence .

How can we use that every face has four sides? We can do something just like the handshaking lemma, and count the number of times a face meets an edge. On the one hand, each edge meets two faces, and so there are places that an edge meets a face. On the other hand, each face meets four edges, and so we see there are times a face meets an edge, and so we have that , or .

Putting and together, we see that , and so , which is a direct contradiction of Euler’s Formula

It’s worth noting that “handshaking between edges and faces” actually is the handshaking lemma for the dual graph.

To generalize this, we note that we have three sources of relationships between and for a planar graph:

  1. Euler’s Formula
  2. Handshaking between vertices and edges
  3. Handshaking between edges and faces

These three relations can work together to prove a lot. We give one more example now – another proof that and aren’t planar. Yet another example can be found on the last homework set – figuring out how many pentagons a football has.

Application: and aren’t planar

Let’s try to give another proof that and aren’t planar using Euler’s formula.

First, let’s show isn’t planar. We know explicitly that has 5 vertices and 10 edges, so if it were drawn on the sphere we would have

and so it would have to have 7 faces. To get a contradiction, we need another way to get information about how many faces the drawing would have, which we can do via handshaking. has no multiple edges or loops, and so the smallest number of edges a face could have is 3. Thus, handshaking gives us

i.e., . But we know and , so we have a contradiction.

The argument for is similar; we know it has 6 vertices and 9 edges, so if it were drawn on the plane it would need to have 5 faces. is simple, so again we have that each face has at least three sides, but this isn’t strong enough for our purposes. But, since is bipartite, it can’t have any cycles of length three (or any odd number for that matter). Thus, every face of any drawing of must have at least 4 sides. Handshaking between faces and edges then gives , but there are 9 edges and 5 faces, a contradiction.

Generalization: Euler characteristic and the beginnings of topology

This is more just general mathematical culture than something you would see on the exam.

We have seen for that graphs drawn on the sphere, we have . Given that we’ve discussed drawing graphs on other surfaces, it becomes a natural question to ask if there’s a similar relation for if we have a graph drawn on a different surface . You have to be a little bit more careful in defining what a face is: since the Jordan Curve Theorem fails for surfaces that aren’t the sphere, it is not the case that every component of will be a disk.

However, if we require that is drawn on the surface in such a way so that every “face” is actually a disk, then it turns out that , where is some number, called the Euler characteristic, that depends only on the surface , and not on the graph.

As an example, we saw that video game graphs always had , and the natural way we got to make video game graphs were all living on the torus; the torus has euler characteristic 0.