Five Colour Theorem

Our goal today is to prove that any planar graph can be coloured with 5 colours; as a warm-up we prove that it can be coloured with 6 colours; the proof for 5 will be a refinement of this proof.


Any planar graph has .


The proof of this theorem is in some ways very similar to the previous proof. We will induction, deleting vertices one by one.

We need to use that is planar somehow. And from the previous theorem, we see that we want to have vertices with low degree, because deleting them leads to efficient colourings. The following lemma connects these ideas


Any planar graph has a vertex of degree at most .

Before proving this lemma, we will see how the lemma leads to a proof of the 6 colour theorem.

We again use induction. As a base case, it is clear than any planar graph with at most 6 vertices can be coloured with 6 colours. Now, suppose that all planar graphs with less than vertices can be coloured with 6 colours, and suppose is a planar graph with vertices. We must show that .

By the Lemma, since is planar it has a vertex with . Deleting , the graph has strictly less than vertices, and hence can be coloured with 6 colours. Now, taking this colouring and trying to extend it to a colouring of we just have to colour . But is only adjacent to 5 vertices, and so at least one of our six colours is not used in these vertices. If we colour one of these unused colours, then we have the colouring we want.

We now prove the lemma:

Proof of Lemma

The proof uses Euler’s theorem and handshaking. Suppose that has vertices and edges, and we have drawn on the plane with faces. Then by Euler’s theorem .

Now, suppose that every vertex had degree at least 6. Then by the handshaking lemma, we see that , or On the other hand, if we want to colour it can’t have any loops, and multiple edges don’t effect vertex colourings, and so we may assume simple. This means that every face has at least 3 vertices, and so , or .

Thus, we have

a contradiction, and so we our initial assumption that every vertex of has degree at least 6 must have been wrong.

Having proven the 6 colour theorem, we modify the proof to prove the 5 colour theorem.


Any planar graph can be coloured with at most five colours.


We begin by following closely the proof of the six colour theorem. We will again use induction on the number of vertices; clearly any graph with at most five vertices can be coloured with at least five colours, so we have a base case.

Now assume that every planar graph with at most vertices can be coloured with five colours, and suppose that is a planar graph with vertices.

In the proof of the 6 colour theorem, we proved that has a vertex of degree at most 5. As in the proof of the six colour theorem, we delete that vertex ; the resulting graph has vertices and hence can be 5 coloured, we thus colour all the vertices of besides with these 5 colours.

If is adjacent to less than five vertices, or if the 5 vertices is adjacent to use less than 5 colours, then this colouring can be extended toa c olouring of all and we are done.

Thus, let let be the 5 vertices adjancent to , written in cyclic order, and suppose that is coloured .

We can’t extend the colouring of to as it currently stands, so will change the colouring of slightly, by switching some subset of pairs of colours.

As a warm-up, note that we can pick any two colours, and switch all the vertices labelled in those colours, and we’ll still have a leagl colouring. (You can just think of this as changing the name of the two colours).

More generally, consider the induced subgraph of consisting of only those vertices that are coloured 1 or 3. The subgraph may consist of multiple components. We can just switch the colours of the 1s and 3s of a single component, and it will still be a legal colouring.

Thus, if and are in different components of , we can switch the colours of all the vertices in the component that is in, then and are both coloured 1, and we may extend the colouring by by making it 1.

So, we need only consider the case that and are in the same component of . This means that there is a path from to in ; that is, a path consisting of vertices coloured only 1 and 3.

of vertices between and in consisting only of vertices coloured 1 and 3.

Now, we try to play the same game with and , and consider the subgraph consisting of only those vertices coloured 2 and 4. If and lie on different components of , we can switch the colours on the component of containing , which will make coloured 2, and we can colour with colour 4.

Thus, we need to consider the case where and are on the same component of , thus, there is chain consisting only of vertices coloured 2 and 4.

Thus we have two walks and in the plane, that cannot share and vertices, a contradiction, as they’d have to cross over each other.