Spanning trees of

A bipartite graph has two types of vertices (say, red and blue), and only has edges between red vertices and blue vertices (never an edge from a red vertex to another red vertex, or a blue vertex to another blue vertex).

The complete bipartite graph has red vertices, blue vertices, and as many edges as possible while still being a simple graph – namely, any red vertex is connected to every blue vertex by exactly one edge, so it has edges.


Prove the following:

  • has 4 spanning trees
  • has 12 spanning trees
  • has 32 spanning trees
  • has 81 spanning trees


It turns out that in general, has spanning trees. Can you prove this by adapting the Prüfer code?

Kruskal’s algorithm

A simple proof

Suppose that the graph has the vertices labelled 1 through n, and the edge connecting vertex i and vertex j has weight i+j. Prove that in the cheapest spanning tree, 1 has degree n-1, and so is connected directly to every other vertex.

A simple construction

Suppose that . Describe a weighting the edges of so that it has exactly spanning trees of minimal weight.

Traveling Salesman

A simple proof

Suppose that the graph has the vertices labelled 1 through n, and the edge connecting vertex i and vertex j has weight i+j. Prove that the optimal solution to the TSP has cost n(n+1). (Hint: Any solution to the TSP has weight n(n+1)).

A simple construction

The algorithm we gave for finding a lower bound for TSP depended on choosing a vertex. Construct an example to show that the bound obtained can depend on which vertex we chose.