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Exercises 2.4 Exercises


The questions in this exercise pertain to the graph G shown in Figure 2.4.1.

  1. What is the degree of vertex 8?

  2. What is the degree of vertex 10?

  3. How many vertices of degree 2 are there in G? List them.

  4. Find a cycle of length 8 in G.

  5. What is the length of a shortest path from 3 to 4?

  6. What is the length of a shortest path from 8 to 7?

  7. Find a path of length 5 from vertex 4 to vertex 6.

Figure 2.4.1. A graph

Draw a graph with 8 vertices, all of odd degree, that does not contain a path of length 3 or explain why such a graph does not exist.


Find an eulerian circuit in the graph G in Figure 2.4.2 or explain why one does not exist.

Figure 2.4.2. A graph G

Consider the graph G in Figure 2.4.3. Determine if the graph is eulerian. If it is, find an eulerian circuit. If it is not, explain why it is not. Determine if the graph is hamiltonian. If it is, find a hamiltonian cycle. If it is not, explain why it is not.

Figure 2.4.3. A graph G